Sunday, July 12, 2009


abortion issue, 6, 198, 258, 264, 265, American fascism, 114–43. See also Ger-
269, 275, 276, 295, 314, 327–28, man fascism
357– 60, 429n Bruce Barton’s book The Man Nobody
Abs, Hermann J., 166 –68, 175 Knows and, 133–37
Abstinence Clearing house, 327–29 Frank Buchman and, 124–33
abst inence-only sex education pro- Euro pean fascism and, 121, 130–33
grams, 328– 29. See also sexual Merwin Hart and, 189–90
purity movement A rt hur Langlie and, 114–21
accountability. See also ethics New Deal reversal and, 141–43
Family/Fellowship tract on, t heocracy and, 121–24 (see a lso
219–20 theocracy)
Jesus plus nothing t heology and, A bram Vereide’s labor- management
282–83 reconciliation and, 137–41
personal responsibility and, 372–79 American fundamentalism
post war Nazi, 165 Cold War anticommunism and (see
sel essness and abdication of, 127 Cold War anticommunism)
Suharto’s Indonesian massacres and, de ned, 3– 4, 393n
251 Jonathan Edwards and (see Edwards,
Adamic, Louis, 99 Jonathan)
Adenauer, Konrad, 172, 178–80 elite vs. populist, 7–9 (see also elite
Adorno, Theodore, 121, 337 fundamentalism; populist
African Americans, 139– 41, 233, fundamentalism)
236– 40 Family/Fellowship as the avantgarde
AIDS, 328, 357, 382 of, 2– 5 (see a lso Family/Fellow-
Albania, 25, 185 ship)
Allende, Salvador, 248 fascism and (see American fasc ism;
America. See United States German fascism)

434 | INDEX

American fundamentalism (continued) arap Moi, Daniel, 281–82
Charles Grandison Finney and (see A rendt, Hannah, 144, 386
Finney, Charles Grandison) Armenia, 267
Jesus Christs of, 5 (see also Jesus A rmstrong, O. K., 168, 411n
Christ) A rterburn, Stephen, 330 –31
myt hs of liberalism vs., 371, 386–87 A shcroft, John, 21, 258, 380–81, 385
politics and (see democracy; politics; authoritarianism, American. See
theocracy) A merican fascism
Popular Front cult ure war of, avant- garde, 3, 122
287–90 (see also Christian Azerbaijan, 266–67
educational movement; New L ife
Church; sexual purity movement) Baker, James, 25, 46, 58
su ering, salvation, deliverance, and, Baker, Susan, 273
370 –87 Bakke, Dennis, 23, 273, 397n
Abram Vereide and (see Vereide, Bakke, Eileen, 273, 329
Abraham [Abram]) Bakker, Jim, 322
Americans United for Separation of Barre, Siad, 222, 279–84
Church and State, 265 Barton, Bruce, 133–37, 141–42
American Values, 259 Barton, David, 342
Anderson, Lisa, 319–21 Batista, Fulgencio, 184–85
Angleton, James Jesus, 206 Bauer, Gary, 259, 381–82
Angola, 222 Beck, Dave, 99–100, 119
anti- abortion crusade. See abortion Begin, Menachem, 24
issue Bell, James F., 21, 227–28
anticommunism. See Cold War Benham, Flip, 357–58, 363 –65
anticommunism Benin, 28
ant i- intellectualism, 172–73, 347 Bennett, Charles E., 199, 204
anti- Semitism. See also German fascism; Bermuda retreat, 32
Jewish people Bevere, Lisa, 333–34
Bruce Barton on Hitler’s, 136 B ible
Christian Embassy and, 353 biblical scholarship and, 135
Gust av Adolf Gedat’s, 164 biblical worldview and, 350
Merwin Hart’s, 124, 412n Sam Brownback and, 267–68
Abram Vereide and Henry Ford’s, murderers in, 222
122–24 smuggling, 185–86, 306–7
anti- sex tra cking legislation, 274–75 biblical capit alism. See also capitalism
anxious bench, 80–83 Doug Coe and, 217
Apelian, Bill, 342 faith-based initiatives, 382–83
Apostolidis, Paul, 234, 421n Henry Ford and, 122–23
Arafat, Yasir, 245 Ted Haggard and, 304–7

INDEX| 435

religious market economics and, Bush, George W., 22, 58–59, 294– 95,
312–15 379–86
theonomy as, 191 business, 122, 133–37. See a lso capital-
Abram Vereide and, 104– 5 ism; management
Billy Graham Center Archives, 60–61 But helezi, Mangosuthu, 24, 242
Billy Graham Crusade, 152 Byrnes, Jimmy, 159
Black, Hugo, 361
Black Bu ers, 238–39 Cabaniss, Ed, 189–90
Blob, The ( lm), 181–83, 204 Campus Crusade, 152, 216, 225–27,
Bob Jones University Press, 342, 428n 247, 353, 362, 380 396n
Body of Christ, 21, 255–56 Capehart, Homer, 168–69, 176, 215
Brat t, James D., 429n c apitalism. See also management
Brazil, 24, 222 biblical (see biblical c apitalism)
breakfast meetings. See National Prayer Dwight Eisenhower and, 185
Breakfast; prayer breakfast Ted Haggard and, 304–7
meetings labor unions and, 99–108
Bredesen, Harald, 186 religious market economics and,
Brewster, Ralph, 138 312–15
Bridges, Harry, 99–109, 120, 203, 289 t heocracy and, 382–83
Bright, Bill, 216, 225–27, 353, 380 A bram Vereide on, 190
Broger, John C., 155, 202–4 Carlson, Bengt, 2, 17, 30 –32, 36, 47–51
brot herhood, 40–41, 216, 254 Carlson, Frank, 155, 174, 186 –98, 200,
Brownback, Sam, 260–72 204– 5, 215, 219–20, 263–64,
career of, and Values Act ion Team, 408n
263– 69 Carmichael, Stokely, 238
Catholicism of, 261– 63 Carter, Jimmy, 24, 367, 400n
Hillary Clinton’s collaboration with, Carter, John, 354
274–75 Casanova, Carlos Eugenios Vides, 25
diplomac y of, 269–70 Caslen, Bob, 354
Family/Fellowship and, 18, 20 Castle Mainau conference, 174–77
Republican revolution and, 260 –61 Castro, Fidel, 184 –85, 380, 413n
sexual purity movement and, 328 Cat holicism, 97, 261–62, 269, 307,
Brown v. Board of Education case, 361 323, 381
Bryan, William Jennings, 5, 236 Cat ton, Jack, 354
Buchman, Frank, 124–30, 134, 154, Cedars
178, 405n, 406n author’s prayer meet ing at, 32–33
Burns, Arthur, 230 Hillary Clinton at, 272–73
Burton, Linda and A aron Michael, Doug Coe and, 26
307–9 Ivanwald and, 6, 15–16 (see also
Bush, George H. W., 25–26, 58, 223 Ivanwald)

436 | INDEX

Cedars (continued ) Rousas John Rushdoony’s Christian
prayer meetings at, 27–29, 53, 245, Reconstructionism and, 347–51
251, 398n (see also prayer breakfast Vision Forum educational materials
meetings) and, 345–47
theology of, 45 Christian Embassy, 156–57, 353–54,
celibacy. See sexual purity movement 430–31n
cells (core groups). See also prayer Christianity, 5, 16, 50, 134, 179. See
groups also A merican fundamentalism;
Frank Buchman, Abram Vereide, and Catholicism; Protestantism;
inspiration for, 127–29 religion
Family/Fellowship and, 19–20, Christian Legal Societ y, 275
44–47 Christian Reconst ructionism, 347
foreign politics and, 162 Christian Right, 4 4, 132, 222–23, 295,
New Life Church and, 305–7, 337, 347, 383, 431n
313 –15 church (term), 4, 213, 255, 374
nonpartisan polit ics of, 385 churches, 15, 73, 83. See also church/
Chambliss, Saxby, 310 state separation issue; New Life
charit able choice concept, 381 Church
chastity. See sexual purity movement church/state separation issue
Chavez, Hugo, 413n Christian educational movement and,
Chile, 248, 422–23n 336–39, 356–60
China, 28, 267–68 Dwight Eisenhower and, 199–200
Christ. See Jesus Christ Hillary Clinton and, 275
Christian (term), 2, 13–14, 19, 29–30, faith- based initiatives and, 379–86
51, 83, 310 Family/Fellowship secrecy and, 245
Christian Democrat ic Union (CDU), providential history and, 356–57
178–80 Earl Warren on, 199
Christian educat ional movement, Clay, L ucius D., 158
336– 69 Cleaver, Eldridge, 240
author’s prayer meeting experience Clinton, Bill, 276–77, 392–93
and, 339, 356–69 Clinton, Hillary, 260, 272–77
church/state separat ion issue and, Coats, Dan, 242, 381, 418n
336–39, 356–60 Coburn, Tom, 18, 264 –65, 404n
home schooling, unschooling, Coe, David, 35–38, 243
providential history and, 339–45, Coe, Doug
428n A frican A mericans and, 237–40
Stonewall Jackson and, 351–56 authoritarianism and, 30, 216–17,
Jewish history and, 360– 64 254–55
religious in uences in American James Baker and, 25
history, 364–69 Sam Brownback and, 264 –65

INDEX| 437

Hillary Clinton and, 272–73 Colson, Charles W.
Charles Colson and, 231–33, 235 Born Again memoir of, 7, 228,
on churches, 213 424 –25n
on covenants, 29–30 Sam Brownback and, 269–70
on domestic politics, 198 career and conversion of, 227–33
education of, 210–11 Christian worldview and, 342– 43,
as Family/Fellowship leader, 8, 384, 429n
21–22, 208–18 (see also Family/ Hillary Clinton and, 274–75
Fellowship) on Family/Fellowship numbers, 20
Mark Hat eld and, 211–212 in uence of, 240, 259, 379
internationalism of, 218–24 (see a lso Prison Fellowship of, 22, 233–36
foreign politics) communism. See also Cold War
on Jesus plus nothing theology, 30, anticommunism
42, 58, 121, 252–56, 380 (see also Harry Bridges and, 102
Jesus plus nothing t heology) Frank Buchman and, 129
David Kuo’s meeting with, 380 cells and, 19–20, 45, 306–7
Nat ional Prayer Breakfast and, 22–26 Suharto slaughter of Indonesian
(see also Nat ional Prayer Breakfast) communists, 221, 245–52
power of, 21–26, 214, 259–60 A bram Vereide and, 99, 139, 157
prayer bet of, 244 Community Bible Study, 22
on social order, 371 compassionate conservatism, 233,
Somalia case and, 281–82 236– 40, 258
spiritual warfare and, 213–14 Compassion International, 295
as stealth persuader, 92 Congress, U. S. See also politics
submergence strategy of, 223–24 anti- union legislation and, 141– 43
Dawson Trotman and, 210–11 Sam Brownback in (see Brownback,
visit to Ivanwald by, 51–55 Sam)
Coe, Jan, 213 Frank Carlson and, 186–95 (see also
Coe, Jonat han, 281– 82 Carlson, Frank)
Cold War anticommunism. See also Family/Fellowship members in, 6,
communism 15–16, 18–19, 138–40, 142, 148,
The Blob lm and, 181–83 168 –70, 185, 198 –99, 247, 264,
containment policy and, 162 276, 395, 396, 399– 400n, 416n
missionaries and, 413n Hillary Clinton in, 260, 272–77
Robert Taft and, 192–94 postwar Nazi reconciliation and,
Abram Vereide, German fascism, and, 168 –74, 177–78
150–52 (see also German fascism) Prayer Breakfast meetings wit h
Abram Vereide’s vision of interna- members of, 138 –41 (see also
tional spirit ual war as, 152–55 (see National Prayer Breakfast; P rayer
also foreign politics) Breakfast meetings)

438 | INDEX

Conlan, John, 353 democracy
Connally, Je , 17–18, 30, 33– 35, Konrad Adenauer and, 179
38–42, 282–83 Frank Buchman and, 128–29
conservatism. See also Republicans deliverance and, 387
compassionate, 233, 236– 40, 258 history of American secular, 337–39
liberalism vs., 182 (see also liberalism) Ivanwald brothers and, 40
neoconservatism, 183, 267 Art hur Langlie and, 122
Abram Vereide’s elite fundamental- theocracy vs., 6–7, 277–78, 366–69
ism and, 112–13 (see also theocracy)
Constitution, U. S., 339, 348 Demo crats. See a lso liberalism
containment policy, 162, 182. See a lso Family/Fellowship and, 18–19, 190
Cold War anticommunism Art hur Langlie and, 122
Cook, Roy, 33, 210 Denning, Michael, 287
Coonley, Howard, 138–39, 189–90 deregulation, 142
Cooper, Dan, 354 desire, 50 –51, 373 –74, 386
Cooper, Merian, 203–4 de Tocqueville, Alexis, 341
core groups. See cells (core groups) Dewey, John, 376
Corey, Lewis, 287 dictators, Doug Coe and, 222
Costa R ica, 220–21 Diem, Ngo Dinh, 199
covenants, 29–30, 4 4, 54–55, 255 DiIulio, John, 380–81
Crocker, Chester A., 54 disobedience. See obedience
Cromartie, Michael, 23 Dobson, James, 259, 295
Crosby, Kenneth M., 184–85 Domenici, Pete, 18
C Street House, 29 –30, 259, domestic politics, 181–204, 257–84
276–77 The Blob lm and, 181–83
Cuba, 184 –85, 413n Bill Bright, Campus Crusade, and,
culture war, 227–28, 236, 287–90. See 225–27
also Christian educat ional Sam Brownback and, 260 –72
movement; New Life Church; Frank Carlson and Dwight Eisenhow-
Popular Front; sexual purity er’s presidential election, 183–95
movement Hillary Clinton and, 272–77
Curtis, Carl, 18 Charles Colson, cult ural polit ics,
and, 227–36
Dague, Paul B., 142 electoral politics of George W. Bush
Daubenmire, Dave, 356–57 and, 383, 385
Declaration of Inde pen dence, U. S., elite fundamentalism and, 277–79
339, 343 faith- based initiatives and, 274–75,
Deism, 366 379–86
DeLay, Tom, 265, 430, 431 Family/Fellowship in uence in,
DeMint, Jim, 18 198–204, 257– 60

INDEX| 439

rst Presidential Prayer Breakfast, elite fundamentalism. See also American
195–98 (see also National P rayer fundamentalism
Breakfast) A merican fascism and, 121–24 (see
Jesus plus nothing t heology and, also A merican fascism)
29–30, 283–84 of Frank Buc hman, 124–30, 405–6n
nonpartisan Prayer Breakfast of Charles Colson, 235–36
meetings and, 139–40 (see also of Family/Fellowship, 43–44, 57–58
Prayer Breakfast meetings) (see also Family/Fellowship)
dominionism, 44 international capitalism and, 306 (see
Dore, John, 118– 20 also biblical capit alism)
Dorn, William Jennings Bryan, 220 internationalist ambit ions of, 152–53
doubt, absence of, 48–51 (see also Cold War anticommu-
Douglass, Walter, 109–11 nism; foreign politics; German
Douthat, Ross, 347– 48, 429n fascism)
Doyle, Clyde, 168 Jesus Christ of, 5
Dunbar, Matt, 324 –27, 332, 334 –35 merging of populist fundamentalism
Duncan, James, 140– 41 and, 262, 372–73, 377, 381,
Durenberger, David, 26 385–86
Duvalier, François “Papa Doc,” 215–16 National Prayer Breakfast and,
195– 98 (see also National Prayer
East Timor, Suharto and, 246–52 Breakfast)
Edwards, Jonathan, 56–72, 401n Popular Front culture war and,
American fundamentalism and, 7–9, 287– 90 (see also Christian
58–61 educat ional movement; New Life
culture war and, 289 Church; sexual purit y movement)
experiment al religion of, 68–71 populist fundamentalism vs., 7–8,
Charles Grandison Finney vs., 77, 277 (see also populist fundamental-
79–81 ism)
Abigail Hutchinson’s conversion to su ering, salvation, deliverance, and,
true religion of, 61– 68 370–87
Jesus Christ of, 5 of Abram Vereide (see Vereide,
Jesus plus nothing t heology and, Abraham [Abram])
56–58 El Salvador, 25, 367, 400
Abram Vereide vs., 87, 113 Ellingwood, Herb, 398n
Eisenhower, Dwight, 185, 187–89, Elson, Edward L. R., 184
192–98, 413–14n, 416n empire, 3 –4, 57, 69, 183, 191, 228,
Eldredge, John, 330 233, 288– 90, 336, 343, 386
electoral politics, 119, 145, 192–95, Engle v. Vitale case, 225
383, 385. See also domestic Enlightenment rationalism, 338,
politics 366–67

440 | INDEX

Ensign, John, 18 fascism and (see American fasc ism;
Enzi, Mike, 18 German fascism)
ethics, 4 4, 113, 130, 156, 230. See also nancial principles of, 45
accountability nancial support and, 16, 22
Ethiopia, 25, 215, 248, 280 –81 Dick Fot h as leader of, 21, 385
Eu ro pe an fascism, 121–23, 129–33. See International Christ ian Leadership
also German fascism (ICL) and, 8, 21, 123–24, 163,
evangelicalism, 43, 73, 173, 386 166, 191
evangelism Ivanwald and, 1–2, 18–27 (see also
American history of, 336 –39 Ivanwald)
Frank Buchman on, 125 Jesus plus nothing theology of (see
de ned, 7 Jesus plus not hing theology)
Jonathan Edwards and, 62–68, David Kuo and salvat ion theology of,
70–71 379–86
Jonathan Edwards vs. Charles mission statement of, 19
Grandison Finney on, 77 National Prayer Breakfast of, 22–26
Charles Grandison Finney and, (see also National Prayer Breakfast;
73–74, 77–83 Prayer Breakfast meetings)
stealth, 190 polit ics of, 6–7 (see also domestic
Abram Vereide and, 97–98 polit ics; foreign politics; politics;
Everson v. Board of Education case, 357, theocracy)
361 Popular Front culture war and,
Every Home for Christ, 295 287– 90 (see a lso Christian
Every Ma n’s Battle (book series), 330–33 educat ional movement; New Life
Exodus International, 331 Church; sexual purit y movement)
exurban movement, 309–12 power of, 257– 60 (see also power)
renaming of Fellowship as Family,
Faith and Action in the Nat ion’s Capital, 239
257 Abram Vereide as found er of (see
faith- based initiatives, 233, 236, Vereide, Abraham)
274–75, 379–86 Farrell, James Augustine, 96 –97, 130
Falwell, Jerry, 7–8, 258, 346– 47 fascism, 130, 137. See also American
Family/Fellowship fascism; Eu ro pe an fascism;
as avant- garde of American funda- German fascism; theocracy
mentalism, 2–5, 122 (see also Federer, William J., 338–39, 356, 364
American fundamentalism; elite Fellowship. See Family/Fellowship
fundamentalism) Fellowship Foundation, 22
Doug Coe as leader of (see Coe, feminism, 20, 213–14, 269. See also
Doug) women
documents and history of, 60– 61 Ferguson, Homer, 198–99

INDEX| 441

Fernández, José Joaquín Trejos, 220 152–55 (see also Cold War
lms, 181–83, 196, 203–4, 320 anticommunism; German fascism)
Finding the Better Way (Fellowship Fosdick, Harry Emerson, 134–36
pamphlet), 138–40, 142 Foth, Dick, 21, 385
Finney, Charles Grandison, 73 –83 Foundat ion for Religious Action in t he
anxious bench innovation of, 80 –83 Social and Civil Order, 184
conversion of, 74–77 Found ers, United States, 366
Jonathan Edwards vs., 77, 79–81 Franco, Francisco, 227, 262, 396n,
evangelism of, 7–8, 73 –74 407n
Jesus Christ of, 5, 87 Franklin, Benjamin, 59–60, 353, 366
Abram Vereide vs., 113 freedom of religion, 368–69
Fisk, Kyle, 299 free enterprise, 155, 187, 217, 343. See
Fitzsimmons, Frank “Fitz,” 231 also c apitalism
Flanders, Ralph E., 190, 200 –201 Freeman, C. S., 224
Focus on the Family, 259, 273, 295 Fricke, Otto, 159, 163–65, 169, 171
Folger, James A., 105 Frontier Christian Fellowship, 316 –17
follower of Christ (terminology), 2, 372 fundamentalism, American. See
Ford, Gerald, 19, 230, 246–47, 250 American fundamentalism
Ford, Henry, 122–23, 126, 130 futurism, 183 –84
Ford, John, 203–4
foreign a airs, 205–40. See also Gar eld, James, 362
Worldwide Spiritual O ensive Gärtner, Margarete, 176 –77, 411n
abst inence programs and, 328–29 Gedat, Gust av Adolf, 163–65, 175, 177,
Doug Coe’s succession to Family/ 218 425n
Fellowship leadership and, German fascism, 144–80. See also
210–18 Eu ro pe an fascism; Hitler, Adolf
compassionate conservatism and, Konrad Adenauer’s Christian
236 –40 Democrat ic Union and, 177– 80
faith- based initiatives and, 236, 384 American fascism and, 122–24, 129,
Richard Halverson and, 208–10 132, 143 (see also A merican
international subversion strategy and, fascism)
218 –24 Castle Mainau conference on Nazi
Charles Malik, United Nations’ moral rehabilitation, 174–77
Universal Declaration of Human Doug Coe and, 215–16, 254 –55
Rights, and, 224–25 Cold War anticommunism and,
Clifton Robinson and, 205–8 149– 52, 168–74
Somalia case and, 279–84 Nazi espionage in U. S., 144– 49
submersion strategy and, 223–24 theodicy, postwar Nazi su ering,
Abram Vereide’s vision of interna- and Cold War containment policy,
tional spirit ual war and, 143, 160– 62

442 | INDEX

German fascism (continued) Hait i, 215–16, 421n
Abram Vereide’s Christian Embassy Hall, Tony, 276, 396n, 424n
and postwar Nazi reconciliation, Halverson, Richard, 208–10, 216, 230,
156–59, 163– 68 238, 278–79, 418n
Abram Vereide’s vision of interna- Hamilton, Alexander, 340
tional spirit ual war and, 152–55 Hanes, Robert M., 148
Glen Eyrie Castle retreat, 211, 252–56 Hardesty, Howard, 249
Global Ethnic Missions (Youth Ablaze), Hardt, Michael, 387
295 Hargis, Billy James, 322
Global Harvest, 301 Harmel, Pierre, 224
globalization, 306 –7, 384 Hart, Merwin K., 124, 189–90, 412n,
God- controlled government. See 420n
theocracy Hata, Tsutomu, 46
God’s will, 107, 123, 141– 42, 378. See hate-crime legislation, 265–66. See also
also Jesus Christ homosexuality
Goebbels, Joseph, 129, 254 Hat eld, Mark, 25, 183, 211–12, 247
Goldhagen, Daniel Jonah, 165 Hawley, Joseph, 70 –71
Gore, Al, 259–60 Hayek, Friedrich von, 190–91
Graham, Billy, 24, 74, 184, 186, Hayford, Jack, 300–301
195–98, 219, 229, 257, 276–77, Hays, Brooks, 140, 185
362, 380, 415n heart as a theological concept, 6, 7, 39,
Grassley, Chuck, 18, 54, 281 4 0, 42, 58–59, 77
Great Awakenings. See Edwards, Henry, Carl F. H., 153 –55
Jonathan; Finney, Charles Hildring, John H., 158
Grandison Hilton, Conrad, 195–98
Greece, 154 –55, 190 Himmler, Heinrich, 129, 254
Green, Marshall, 246 Hirs, Alfred, 169–70
Groseclose, Elgin, 249 history, providential, 2–3, 339 –56,
Grubb, Norman, 98–99, 101, 123, 190, 364–69. See also Christian
399n, 403n educational movement
Guatemala, 199, 201 Hitler, Adolf. See also German fascism
guidance and Frank Buchman, 127–30, Hermann J. Abs and, 166–67
138 A merican fascism and, 98
Gunther, John, 99 A merica First and, 148
Bruce Barton on, 136
Haggard, Ted, 293–97, 300, 304–7, Frank Buchman on, 129–30
314 –15, 323, 426n, 431n. See also Doug Coe on, 30, 54, 212, 217, 244,
New Life Church 254–55, 380
Haines, Wallace E., 160, 175–77, Family/Fellowship on, 3, 45, 217
217–18 Henry Ford and, 122–23

INDEX| 443

Gedat, Gustav Adolf on, 164 Idea, Abram Vereide’s, 89–92. See also
German Christians and, 164, 172 key man t heory; Vereide,
Hans Speidel and, 166 Abraham (Abram)
Abram Vereide on, 143, 157 Imago Dei Community, 374–79
Manfred Zapp and, 146 –47, 149 Indonesia, 24, 221, 245–52, 320, 422n
Ho Chi Minh, 30, 254 Industrial Workers of the World, 101–8
Ho man, Paul G., 192 “In God We Trust,” 199
Hofstadter, Richard, 74 Inhofe, James, 6, 18, 259–60, 430n
Hohenlohe, Gott fried, 175, 177 International Bible Society, 319–21
holy laughter, 364 International Christ ian Leadership
homeschooling, 340–46, 349. See also (ICL), 8, 21, 123–24, 163, 166,
Christian educat ional movement 172–73, 189–91, 199, 207–8. See
homosexuality also Family/Fellowship
Sam Brownback and, 265–66, International Council for Christian
268– 69 Leadership, 163, 191
Frank Buchman and, 126, 405n International Foundation, 22
culture war and, 57, 132, 259, 277, internationalism. See Cold War
294, 311 anticommunism; foreign politics;
Ted Haggard and, 293–94, 296, Worldwide Spirit ual O ensive
322–23, 426n International Religious Freedom Ac t,
Homosexual Revolution, The (book), 275
322–23 Iraq, 26, 303
Ivanwald and, 2, 40, Islam, 13, 29–30, 132, 233–34, 259,
Operat ion Resc ue (Operation Save 266–67, 307, 320
America) and, 359, 363 Israel, 224, 245, 262, 270, 303
Rushdoony, Rousas John and, 347 It Can’t Happen Here (book), 130 –31
same–sex marriage, 375 Ivanwald, 13–55
sexual purity movement and, 324, author’s encounter wit h brother of,
331 13–16
spiritual warfare and, 309 author’s encounter wit h house leader
Workplace Religious Freedom Act at, 38– 40
and, 275 author’s ent ry into, 1–2, 16–18
Honduras, 25 author’s initiation at house meeting
Hoover, J. Edgar, 183–84 at, 32–35
Houses of Worship Act, 265 brotherhood at, 40 –42
Hughes, Harold, 232, 240, 278–79 Cedars retreat, Potomac Point, C
Hull, Cordell, 145 Street House and, 27–30
human rights, 224–25, 266–67 cell and Youth Corps instructions at,
Hunter, Bob, 53–54 44–47
Hutchinson, Abigail, 62–68 daily regimen at, 30 –32

444 | INDEX

Ivanwald (continued ) A bram Vereide and, 94–96, 109–10,
faith and practice at, 47– 51 152–53
relationship of Family/Fellowship to, Jesus plus nothing theology, 241–56,
18–27 272, 283, 386. See also account-
responses to author’s art icle about, ability; Jesus Christ; personality
241– 45, 385, 394n Black Bu ers and, 238
Somalia lm and, 282–83 George W. Bush and, 58– 69
theology of, 42–44 Doug Coe and, 30, 217, 252–56,
visit of David Coe to, 35–38 264– 65
visit of Doug Coe to, 26, 51–55 mainstreaming of, 272
responses to author’s article about
Jackson, Henry “Scoop,” 183 Ivanwald and, 241–45, 394n
Jackson, Robert H., 124 Social Gospel vs., 370–79 (see also
Jackson, Thomas J. “Stonewall,” 351–56 Social Gospel)
Japan, 46, 343 Suharto’s Indonesian massacres and,
Jay, John, 361–62 245– 52
Je erson, Thomas, 339 Dawson Trotman and, 211
Jesus Christ. See also Jesus plus not hing Jewish people. See also anti- Semitism
theology; theocracy American fundamentalism and,
Bruce Barton’s book on, 133–37 257–58, 334, 346, 353
Frank Buchman’s Quiet Time and, author and, 15, 257
126–28 Bruce Barton on, 136
chosen ones of, David Coe on, Family/Fellowship and, 27, 139,
35–38 220, 230, 254, 395n, 420n
Eldridge Cleaver and, 240 Henry Ford and, 122–24
Doug Coe on, 29–30, 216, 380 Gustav Adolf Gedat and, 164
Charles Colson’s Prison Fellowship history of, 360– 61
and, 235–36 Israel, 224, 245, 262, 270, 303
Family/Fellowship and, 4, 27, philo-Semitism, 262, 316, 36 –61
275–76 postwar Nazi su ering and, 160–61,
Charles Grandison Finney on, 77, 83 164– 65, 411n
God’s will, 107, 123, 141–42, 378 Swiss bankers and money stolen
as interventionist, 374 from, 169–70
Ivanwald brothers and, 1–2, 14–15, A bram Vereide and, 123
27, 31–32, 39– 40, 45 Theophile Wurm’s desire to convert,
Ed Meese and, 28–29 176
as mood, 5, 60, 72 Manfred Zapp and, 148–49
as personality (see personality) Johnson, Harold K., 219–20
as psyops man, 194 Johnson, Marian Aymar, 156
Billy Sunday’s, 87 Jones, Bob, Sr., 155

INDEX| 445

Jones, Bob, IV, 396n Kuo, David, 24–25, 379–86
Jones, David, 281 Kuyper, Abraham, 349 –50, 429n
Jones, Don, 273–74
Jones, Mike, 293–94 labor unions
Jordan, 270 anti- union legislation and, 141– 43,
Jordan, B. Everett, 249, 423n 193, 382
Judd, Walter, 139, 168 Frank Buchman and reconciliation of
just (term), 373–74, 386 management and, 129–30
Hillary Clinton and, 273
Kemp, Jack, 58, 380, 406n Charles Colson and, 231
Kemp, Joanne, 273 It Can’t Happen Here book and, 131
Kennan, George, 162 Art hur Langlie and, 122
Kennedy, Ted, 380 prayer breakfast meetings and, 140–41
Kenya, 281– 82 San Franc isco strike by, 99–113
Kerr, Robert, 190 Seattle mayoral race and, 119–20
key man theory Abram Vereide’s reconciliation of
American fundamentalism and, management and, 108 –13
364–65, 368, 386 LaHaye, Tim, 342, 376
Chile and, 248 Laird, Melvin, 19, 227, 230, 246, 248,
Doug Coe and, 215–16, 254 396n, 422n
foreign connections and, 250 Landon, A lf, 186–88
Ot to Fricke and, 159 Langlie, Arthur B., 116–22
Stonewall Jackson and, 353 language, American fundament alism
Arthur Langlie and, 117 and, 42, 373–74, 386 –87
liberalism and, 367 Largent, Steve, 18, 264, 396n, 399n
management and, 137–38 Lawrence, David, 139
Popular Front and, 385–86 leadership, 3, 133–37, 235. See a lso
providential history and, 343– 45, Congress, U. S.; key man theory;
363–64 obedience
Somalia and, 282 Lebanon, 224–25
Spain and, 227 Left Behind (book series), 342
U.S. Congress and, 395n legislation. See Congress, U. S.;
Abram Vereide and, 89–92, 113 domestic politics
Vietnam War and, 206 –8 Lenin, Vladimir, 3, 30, 45, 194, 216,
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 236–37, 362, 255, 393n, 400n
431n L everone, Nathaniel, 170
Kingsbury, Kenneth, 105 Lewis, Sinclair, 130–31, 134
Kissinger, Henry, 114, 247 liberalism
Korry, Edward, 248 conservativism vs., 182 (see also
Krogh, Egil “Bud,” 230 conservatism)

446 | INDEX

liberalism (continued) man- method, Abram Vereide’s, 121,
Family/Fellowship and, 275–76 138, 250
key men of, 367 Man Nobody Knows, The (book), 133–37
myt hs of American fundamentalism Marcos, Ferdinand, 249–50, 424 –25n
vs., 371, 386–87 Marcuse, Herbert, 143
New Deal (see New Deal) market economics, religious, 312–15.
strengths and weaknesses of, See also biblical capitalism
153–55, 278, 375 Marpaung, Darius, 247– 48, 422n
Lieberman, Joe, 24 marriage
Lilly, Jim, 364 same- sex, 375
Lindbergh, Charles, 123–24, 130 sexual purity movement and, 324–35
Lindsay, D. Michael, 25, 235, 396–98n spiritual war and, 213–14
Lindsley, A rt, 377 Marsden, George, 59–60, 393n
Locke, David, 253 Marshall Plan, 150–51
love as t heological concept Martin, William, 44
Doug Coe on, 255–56 Martinez, Gustavo A lvarez, 25
Jonathan Edwards and, 61 mart yrdom, 346, 351
Richard Halverson on, 279 masculinity, 109–10, 138, 172, 214,
Imago Dei Community and, 374 –75 235–36, 316–17, 330, 345–46
Ivanwald brothers and, 27, 34–35, Mather, Cotton, 5, 66
42, 282–83 maximalism, 4
obedience and, 211, 386 (see also McCarran, Pat, 190
obedience) McCarthy, Joe, 200 –201
Lowry, Charles Wesley, 184 McClure, Harold, 249
Lugar, Richard, 25, 239 McCord, James W., 230
McHugh, Michael, 343
MacArthur, Douglas, 343– 44, 428–29n McIntyre, Mike, 19
MacBride, Neil, 43 McNarney, Joseph T., 158
Mackay, John, 225 Medcalf, Lane, 360–64
Magruder, Jeb, 230 Meese, Ed, 27–29, 267, 381–82, 399n
Main, Ross, 21 megachurches, 7–8, 73. See also New
Malik, Charles, 224 –26 Life Church
management. See also business Meyers, Vic, 119–20
Frank Buchman and reconciliation of M ichelet, Edmond, 224
labor and, 129–30 “Militant Liberty” projec t, 202–4
Jesus and, 133–37 military- industrial complex, 201
prayer breakfast meetings and, 140 M iller, Perry, 5
Abram Vereide and reconciliat ion of M inutemen United, 356 –57
labor and, 108 –13 Moorer, Thomas H., 248
Mandela, Nelson, 24 Moral Majority, 258, 346

INDEX| 447

Moral Re- Armament, 125, 141, 154, neo- evangelicals, 43– 44
178, 405– 6n New Deal, 98, 117–18, 141–43,
Mullen, Shirley, 373 –74 187–88, 194, 200, 210–11, 357
murderers, Doug Coe on, 222 New Life Church, 291–321
Museveni, Yoweri, 23, 46, 52– 54, 223, author’s experience at, 293–97
328 L inda Burton’s experience at, 304–7
Muslims, 13, 29–30, 266– 67, 307 Christian groups in Colorado Springs
Mussolini, Benito, 129, 136 and, 319–21
Colorado Springs as fundamentalist
National A ssociation of Evangelicals, city, 291–93
152, 155, 180–83, 185, 294, 299, exurban movement and, 309–12
426n Ted Haggard and, 293–97
National A ssociation of Manufac turers, Ted Haggard on free- market
138, 156, 170, 189 c apitalism and, 304–7
National Commit tee for Christian market economics and small-group
Leadership, 21, 139 o r g a n i z a t i o n o f , 3 1 2 – 1 5
Nat ional Day of Prayer bill, 276 Royal Rangers, Frontier Christian
National Economic Council, 124, 189 Fellowship, and Christian
National L eadership Council, 21–22 manhood at, 315–19
Nat ional Prayer Breakfast. See also World P rayer Center at, 301–4
Prayer Breakfast meetings New York City, 13, 320–21, 324–27
Costa R ican, 220 Nickles, Don, 6, 60, 265
Family/Fellowship, Ivanwald, and, Niedicker, John, 215
22–26 Nimeiry, Gaafar, 281
Indonesian, 221 Nixon, R ichard, 19, 33, 176, 216, 221,
David Kuo and, 379–80 227–31, 246, 310, 398n, 400n,
power of, 91, 259 –60, 270 416n, 422n
President ial Prayer Breakfast as rst, Noebel, David, 322–23
195–98 North, Gary, 348
National Security Council, 151, 243, 253 Nort hwest Ordinance of 1787, 339
national socialists (Nazis). See German Nyerere, Julius, 384
Navigators, 22, 152, 210–11, 216, 253, obedience
263, 295 Bruce Barton on, 141–42
Nazi fascism. See German fasc ism Doug Coe on, 211
Negri, A ntonio, 387 Charles Colson on, 233–34
Nelson, Bill, 18 Ivanwald brothers and, 2, 17, 38
Nelson, Grace, 273, 275 Stonewall Jackson’s, 352–53
neoconservatism, 183, 267. See also love and, 211, 386 (see also love)
conservatism povert y and, 382

448 | INDEX

obedience (continued) P inochet, Augusto, 248, 422–23n
providential history and, 365– 66 Pitt s, Joe, 6, 18, 26, 265–67, 328,
Suharto on, 247 405n
Abram Vereide’s concept of, 110, 143 Pledge of A llegiance, U.S., 26, 198 –99
Ockenga, Harold, 180 Pohl, Oswald, 167, 411n
O’Connor, Sandra Day, 380 Poling, Dan, 138
O ce of Faith-Based Init iatives, 381–83 polit ics. See also Congress, U.S.; power
Ohlendorf, Otto, 411n Frank Buchman and, 128–29
Olasky, Marvin, 258, 381 domestic (see domestic politics)
Olsen, Tillie Lerner, 107–8 Jonathan Edwards and, 69, 71–72
Operation Abolition ( lm), 203 Family/Fellowship and, 5–6, 15–16
Operat ion Resc ue (Operation Save Charles Grandison Finney and,
America), 258, 343, 357 80 –83
Opus Dei, 262, 269 foreign (see foreign a airs)
or ga nized labor. See labor unions history of American religion and,
Orr, J. Edwin, 186 2–3
Orwell, George, 338 A rt hur Langlie and, 117–21
A bram Vereide and, 108–13
Pakistan, 23, 26, 46, 418n Pop u lar Front. See also Christian
Parent, Adam and Christ ie, 372–79 educat ional movement; New Life
Park Chung Hee, 24, 215, 250 Church; sexual purit y movement
Parker, Tom and TJ, 315–19 c ulture war and, 287–90
Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act, 295 Carl F. H. Henry on, 154–55
paternalism, 103, 140, 266 merging of elite and populist
Patriot Pastor, 357, 364 fundamentalism in, 385–86
Peale, Norman Vincent, 139, 414n populist fundamentalism. See also
Pent agon prayer cells, 201–2 American fundamentalism
Perdue, Sonny, 310 elite fundamentalism vs., 7–8, 262,
Perkins, Tony, 266, 298 277 (see also elite fundamentalism)
personality as theological concept, Family/Fellowship and, 20, 43–44
121–22, 137–41, 152, 215–16, Jesus Christ of, 5
252–56, 343 –45 merging of elite fundamentalism and,
Philippines, 202, 204, 249–50, 261, 372–73, 377, 381, 385–86
279, 424n National Prayer Breakfast and,
Phillips, Douglas W., 346 –47 195– 98 (see also National Prayer
Phillips, Howard, 258, 346 Breakfast)
Phillips, Kate, 181–83 Popular Front culture war and,
Phillips, Tom, 26, 230–31, 398n 287– 90 (see also Christian
Pic ardo, Juan Edgar, 220–21 educat ional movement; New Life
Pierce, Bob, 186 Church; sexual purit y movement)

INDEX| 449

su ering, salvation, deliverance, and, prayer groups. See a lso cells (core
370 –87 groups)
pornography, 70, 332 Sam Brownback and, 264 –65
Porter, William, 238–39 Hillary Clinton and, 272–73
Potomac Point, 28, 30, 40, 42–43 Costa Rican, 220 –21
poverty, 118, 136–37, 172–73, 380–83. Family/Fellowship and, 19
See also su ering international, 24–25
power. See a lso polit ics international spiritual war and, 281
American fundamentalism and, 16, Pentagon, 201–2
366 Suharto and, 247–49
Frank Buchman on, 125 White House, 230
Doug Coe on, 25, 121 premillennialism, 43 –44
Jonathan Edwards and, 61, 68–69 Presidential Prayer Breakfast, 195–98.
Family/Fellowship and, 51 See also National Prayer Breakfast
Charles Grandison Finney and, 83 Presidential Prayer Team, 34 4
international spiritual war and, 155 presuppositionalism, 349–50
Rob Schenck on, 257–60 P rison Fellowship, 22, 233– 40. See also
Trut h and, 377–79 Colson, Charles W.
Abram Vereide and, 96, 110, 114 –17 P romise Keepers, 262
Power, Robin, 324–27, 334–35 prosperity gospel, 87, 197–98
pragmatism, 376 Protestantism, 43, 307, 343
prayer providential history, 2–3, 339–56,
Doug Coe and, 52–54, 225 364–69, 408n. See also Christian
Jonathan Edwards and, 61–62 educational movement
Charles Grandison Finney and, Pryor, Mark, 18
75 –76
Ted Haggard and, 307–9, 312 Quayle, Dan, 58, 380–81
Ivanwald brot hers and, 1–2, 15, 30, Quie, Al, 238, 246, 396n
42– 43, 47–51 quiet man myth, 355
“just” in, 373–74 Quiet Time, Frank Buchman’s, 126–28
school, 225, 361
Abram Vereide and, 87– 89, 104–5 R adford, A rt hur W., 202
World Prayer Center and, 301– 4 radicalism, 104, 309
Benjamin Wright and, 79–80 rationalism, 59, 338, 366–67, 383
Prayer Breakfast meetings. See also Reagan, Ronald, 2, 19, 25, 43, 54,
National P rayer Breakfast 58–59, 142, 210, 240, 398n,
international spiritual war and, 155 413n
Abram Vereide’s rst, 109–12, reconciliation as theological concept
114–15, 121 Doug Coe and, 239, 278
Abram Vereide’s spread of, 137– 41 exurban movement and, 311

450 | INDEX

reconciliation as theological (continued ) Sadat, Anwar, 24
labor- management, 103, 108–13, St. Clair, William, 110–11
142 salvation
post war Nazi, 164–65, 168–77 deliverance vs., 386– 87
poverty and, 382 Jonathan Edwards on, 71
su ering and, 371 (see also su ering) elite fundamentalism and, 220,
Reed, Ralph, 310, 347, 431n 379–86
Regier, Jerry, 276 Savimbi, Jonas, 222
Rehnquist, William, 19 Scalia, Antonin, 258
Reifel, Ben, 247 scandals, sex, 293–94, 322–23
religion, 2–3, 15, 29–30, 61–62, Schae er, Francis, 273, 342–43, 429n
368 –69. See also American Schenck, Rob, 257– 60, 274, 276, 343,
fundament alism; Catholicism; 357
Christianity; Islam; Protest antism Schmelz, Gustav, 166
Republicans. See also conservatism school prayer, 225, 361
Christian R ight, 44, 132, 222–23, school segregation, 361
383 science
Dwight Eisenhower vs. Robert Taft, American fundamentalism and, 135
192–94 Jonathan Edwards and, 61, 68–69
faith- based initiatives and, 379–86 homeschooling curricula and, 342,
Family/Fellowship and, 190 346
revirgining, 334 Truth and, 376
revivalism. See evangelism Scopes trial, 277, 337
Rhodes, John, 246, 396n Scott, Win eld, 352
Robertson, Absalom Willis, 19, 154, 190 secrecy, Family/Fellowship, 19–21, 46,
Robertson, Pat, 8, 19, 154, 186, 240, 259 223–24, 239, 243– 45
Robinson, Clifton J., 205 –8, 246, secularism, 133, 155, 219, 265,
248– 49 287–90, 349
Rohrbach, Paul, 166, 175 Sekulow, Jay, 258
Roo sevelt, Franklin, 96, 98, 136, 154, Selassie, Haile, 215, 248, 280
157, 406n, 409n. See also New sel essness, 50–51, 58–59, 70–71, 127,
Deal 207. See also Jesus plus nothing
Royal Rangers, 315–19 t heology; key man theory
Rushdoony, Rousas John, 191, 341, sexual purity movement, 322–35
346–51, 429n author’s meetings wit h New York
Rwanda, 28 City men and, 324 –27
Frank Buchman and confessions of
sabotage sexual sins, 126, 128
labor union, 101–2 foreign policy, abstinence-only sex
Nazi, 147– 48 educat ion programs, and

INDEX| 451

Abstinence Clearing house books 280. See also Cold War anticom-
on, 327–34 munism; communism
Ivanwald brothers and, 40–41 Spain, 227, 396n, 407n
sex scandals and, 293–94, 322–24 Sparkman, John, 140
sexual payo for, 334–35, 337 Speidel, Hans, 166, 175
Sezibera, Richard, 28 –29 spiritual war
Sheldon, Louis P., 259 Harry Emerson Fosdick on, 135–36
Silk Road Strategy Act, 266–67 Ted Haggard, New Life Church, and,
Silva, Cost a e, 24, 222 297, 301, 304
Simon Wiesenthal Center, 167–68 international, 155, 217, 281 (see also
Sims, Gannon, 5–6, 17, 31–32, 52 foreign politics; Worldwide
sin Spiritual O ensive)
Frank Buchman and sexual, 126, 128 Ivanwald brothers and, 1, 29, 39, 42
Jonathan Edwards and, 70 Stonewall Jackson as model for,
elite fundamentalism and, 220 355–56
forgetting of, 278–79 sports, 15, 30, 41
Abram Vereide and, 107, 110 Staggers, John, 238 –39
Smith, H. Alexander, 139 Stalin, Joseph, 252, 255, 380, 400n
Smith-Connally Act, 142 Stark, Rodney, 312–13, 427n
Social Gospel stealthiness, 19–20, 91–92, 190. See
Catholic, and faith- based initiatives, also secrecy, Family/Fellowship
381 Stennis, John, 25, 140
Hillary Clinton and, 274 Stockstill, Larry and Melanie, 301
Charles Colson’s Prison Fellowship Stoddard, Solomon, 65
and, 236–4 0 Stoeker, Fred, 330 –31
Jesus plus nothing t heology vs., Stone, Clement, 26, 199
370 –79 (see also Jesus plus nothing Stone, Donald C., 151–52, 154
theology) Stone, I. F., 201
Abraham Kuyper and, 350 strikes, labor union, 104–8, 122. See
Abram Vereide’s reject ion of, 110, also labor unions
153 Stoll, David, 413n
social order, 255, 371, 378, 385 submersion strategy, 223–24. See also
socialism, 155, 215, 280, 409n, 429n secrecy, Family/Fellowship
Somalia, 25, 222, 279 –84 submission, 70 –71, 262–63, 344. See
Soulforce pro- gay ministry, 323 also obedience
soul surgery, 124–26, 128, 130–31, subversion st rategy, 208, 218–24
156 Sudan, 267–68
Sout h Korea, 24, 215, 250 su ering
South Vietnam, 199, 205–8, 248 Bruce Barton on, 136–37
Soviet Union, 150–51, 162, 171–72, deliverance and, 386– 87

452 | INDEX

su ering (continued) Abram Vereide’s Idea about (see
labor unions and, 102 Vereide, Abraham [Abram])
Social Gospel vs. Jesus plus nothing theodicy, 93, 160–62, 311. See also
theology on, 370–79 su ering
theodicy and, 93, 160 –62, 311 theology. See American fundamental-
Truth and, 377–79 ism; Jesus plus not hing theology;
Suharto, 24, 221, 245–52, 423n religion
Sullivan, William H., 206, 417–18n theonomy, 191. See also biblic al
Summit Minist ries, 322 capitalism
Sunday, Billy, 87, 113 Thieu, Nguyen Van, 248
Sundberg, Bruce, 249– 50, 424n Thomas, Clarence, 26
Swaggart, Jimmy, 322 Thomas, Rusty, 357– 60, 364 –66
Thune, John, 18
Taft, Robert, 187–89, 192–94, 199 Thurmond, Strom, 19, 140, 225, 265,
Taft- Hartley Act, 142, 193 395–96n
Talmadge, Herman, 19 Tiahrt, Todd, 29–30
Tanzania, 384 Tice, Jayson, 303–4
Tarrant, Tommy, 240 totalitarianism. See American fascism;
Teamsters Union, 99–100, 104, 231 Eu ro pe an fascism; fascism;
televangelists, 43, 293–94, 322–23 German fascism; theocracy
Temple, Paul, 227, 398n Traditional Values Coali tion, 259
Tempting Faith: T he Inside Story of a Trask, Thomas E., 298
Po liti cal Seduction (book), 379, Travis, William Barret, 345
383, 431n Trotman, Dawson, 210–11
Terry, Randall, 343 Trueblood, Elton, 186
theocracy True L ove Waits, 327
American fascism and, 121–24 (see Truman, Harry, 150, 154–55
also American fascism) Truth , 374–79
American history of, 8, 336 –39 Turner, Carl, 219 –20
Frank Buchman on, 130
Doug Coe on, 223 Uganda, 23, 46, 52–54, 223, 328–29
democracy vs., 6–7, 277–78, Ukraine, 304
366 –69 “under God,” U. S. Pledge of Allegiance
Jonathan Edwards and, 59–60 and, 26, 198–99
faith- based initiatives as, 379–86 unions. See labor unions
of Family/Fellowship, 56–58 United Nations, 157, 224–25
Arthur Langlie and, 121 United States. See also American
Rousas Rushdoony on, 347– 48 fascism; A merican fundamental-
theocentric worldview vs., 342–43 ism; Congress, U. S.; domest ic
as totalitarianism of God, 151–52, 155 politics; foreign politics; politics

INDEX| 453

as Promised Land, 221–22 on Suharto’s coup in Indonesia,
providential history, 2–3, 339–56, 245– 46
364–69 (see also Christian Billy Sunday vs., 87–89
educational movement) vision of international spiritual war
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, by, 152–55 (see also foreign
224–25 polit ics; spirit ual war)
Unruh, Leslee, 327–29 Vereide, Warren, 88–89, 91
unschooling, 342. See also Christian Vessey, John, 25, 282
educational movement Vietnam War, 199, 205–8
Unumb, Greg, 241–45, 251–52, 278 virginity, 40– 41, 316, 323. See also
sexual purity movement
Values Action Team (VAT), 18, Vision Forum, 345–47
265–66, 328 von der Ropp, Baron, 172, 180
Vandenberg, Arthur, 148, 157 von Gienanth, Ulrich, 147–49, 172–74
Vereide, Abraham (Abram), 87–113 von Neurath, Konstantin, 167, 411n
Frank Buchman and, 124–30
conversion, immigration, and WallBuilders, 342
ministry of, 92–101 “wall of separation,” Thomas Je erson
deat h of, 121 and, 339. See also church/state
Jonathan Edwards and Charles separat ion issue
Grandison Finney vs., 87, 113 Wamp, Zach, 19, 264
elite fundamentalist key man Idea of, war criminals, Nazi, 158–59, 165–68.
89–92 (see a lso elite fundamental- See also German fascism
ism; key man theory) Warren, Earl, 199
fascism and, 122–23, 150–52, Washington, George, 366
156–74 (see also A merican Washington, Walter, 237
fascism; German fascism) Watt, James, 26
Finding a Better Way pamphlet and Wayne, John, 203–4
spread of prayer breakfasts by, Webster, Daniel, 349
137–41 welfare, privatization of, 381
rst National P rayer Breakfast of, White, Mel, 323
197 (see also Nat ional Prayer Whitehead, John W., 349
Breakfast) White House prayer cell, 230
as found er of Family/Fellowship, 8, Wilberforce Foundat ion, 22
21 (see also Family/Fellowship) Wiley, Alexander, 139, 168–71, 176,
labor- management reconciliation 180, 199
by, 99–113 (see also reconcilia- Willis, Raymond, 139
tion) Willowbank retreat, 32
Arthur Langlie and, 114–21 Wilson, Charles E., 201–2, 204
ret irement of, 205 Wings of Eagles, The ( lm), 204

454 | INDEX

Wolf, Frank, 19 Wright, Benjamin, 77–80
women Wright, Christ ian, 23
culture and, 376 Wright, J. Elwin, 155
feminism, 20, 213–14, 269 Wurm, Theophile, 176–77
Potomac Point house for, 28, 30, 40,
42– 43 Yeaworth, Irvin “Shorty,” 181–83
sexual purit y movement and, 332–34 York, Alvin, 343–44
World Prayer Center, 293, 301–4, 312 Young Life, 22, 239, 295
World Vision agency, 209 Youth Corps, 46– 47
Worldwide Spiritual O ensive, 155, Youth For Christ, 152
206, 217, 264, 288. See also
foreign a airs Zapp, Manfred, 144 –52, 177–79, 417n

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